
Pulp & Paper

Wear Products for Pulp & Paper Industry

The forest product industry makes up more than four percent of the US’s gross domestic product (GDP) and employs nearly 400,000 people in high-paying jobs. The industry not only processes and produces paper products from raw materials, they also handle the collection, recycling and reuse of a vast amount of paper products.

Regulations and Expectations

This is a large undertaking in and of itself but the numerous regulations and public expectation to show sustainability and environmental conscientiousness make this a complex and challenging industry to navigate. The National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) is an organization maintained by the industry to ensure the road is navigated successfully.

Environmental performance, compliance with regulations, and demonstration of sustainability are at least as complicated as any other aspect of pulp and paper manufacturing.

Increasing Globalization Challenges

According the the American Forest & Paper Association, as the marketplace continues to globalize, it is more important than ever that the paper industry remain efficient to stay competitive.

According to the Annual Survey of Manufacturers, in 2015 the paper and wood products industry invested $12 billion in plant and equipment. Items such as recovery boilers, turbine generators, paper machines, and environmental controls are critical to maintaining technologically advanced manufacturing facilities that compete in an extremely competitive global marketplace.

Providing Solutions That Work

A.J. Weller’s experienced and knowledgeable staff prides themselves in helping you with customized wear applications that improve efficiency and production costs without compromising standards. Weller is the world leader in providing solutions in key areas of the entire forestry/pulp & paper value chain.